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* Career Readiness * ⚡ InterSchool MUN 2024 ⚡ News "Prevention and Control of Vector Borne Diseases"

Career Readiness

At DIS Edge, we believe in preparing our students for a successful future by equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in their chosen careers. Our comprehensive Career Readiness program is designed to support students from the moment they enter our school until they graduate, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the modern workforce. The career readiness begins at grade VI level onwards where children are given subtle exposures through workshops, hands in sessions and exploratory day trips about different vocations. The career readiness takes up rigor as the child reaches grade IX and areas like career counseling and career aptitude analysis gets added along with the chiseling of stream specific career awareness and parental involvement in the sessions.

Key Components of Our Career Readiness Program

1. Career Exploration

  • We encourage students to explore a wide range of career paths through:
  • Career Fairs: Regularly scheduled events where students can meet professionals from various industries and learn about different careers.
  • Guest Speakers: Industry experts share insights and experiences, providing students with valuable information about specific career fields.
  • Job Shadowing: Opportunities for students to spend a day with a professional in their field of interest to gain firsthand experience.

2. Skill Development

  • Our curriculum is designed to develop essential skills that employers value, including:
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Encouraging analytical thinking and innovative solutions to real-world problems.
  • Communication Skills: Emphasizing both written and verbal communication through presentations, group projects, and writing assignments.
  • Technical Proficiency: Offering courses and workshops in technology, coding, and other relevant technical skills.

3. Personalized Guidance

  • We provide personalized career counseling and guidance to help students navigate their career paths:

Individual Career Counseling:

  • One-on-one sessions with career advisors to discuss goals, interests, and strategies for career planning.

Resume and Cover Letter Workshops:

  • Practical workshops to help students create professional resumes and cover letters.

Interview Preparation:

  • Mock interviews and tips on how to present themselves confidently in job interviews.

4. Real-World Experience

  • Gaining practical experience is a cornerstone of our Career Readiness program:
  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Encouraging analytical thinking and innovative solutions to real-world problems.
  • Communication Skills: Emphasizing both written and verbal communication through presentations, group projects, and writing assignments.
  • Technical Proficiency: Offering courses and workshops in technology, coding, and other relevant technical skills.


  • Partnering with local businesses and organizations to offer students internships in their areas of interest.

Community Service:

  • Encouraging students to participate in community service projects to develop leadership skills and a sense of civic responsibility.
  • We are committed to ensuring that every student graduates with the confidence and skills needed to succeed in their careers. Join us in making this vision a reality!

Special Internship Program for PreMed exposures for MEdical Enthusiasts

Delhi International School Edge is continuously engaging with various organizations to extend real time experiences to our students.
The PreMed Exposure Program is a specially curated 1-week internship, running in the month of June.
This initiative is tailored for students who are passionate about pursuing a career in the medical field. It offers an unparalleled opportunity to gain hands-on experience and valuable insights from seasoned medical professionals by interning in their camps for the underprivileged and a day at a medical center of a hospital.