Open hours: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm Mon-Sat
* Career Readiness * ⚡ InterSchool MUN 2024 ⚡ News "Prevention and Control of Vector Borne Diseases"

Skills and Vocations

“ Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” At DIS Edge we believe in enabling children to realize their own potential to excellence and to nurture their young minds through knowledge and exposure. We have incorporated life skills and vocational training as an integral part of the curriculum to enhance the application based aids. Various activities are designed round the year keeping in view the wholesome development of children in mind. School provides world class training in calligraphy, pottery, vocal music, different dance forms, band, swimming, fitness and well being, different art forms such as Madhubani arts, art and craft, digital literacy, ceramics and clay classes. We firmly believe in taking children out of the classroom spaces to experience the real world through varied experiments and hand-on activities.Our aim is to foster the child in all dimensions of his or her life— moral, spiritual, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social and physical. Therefore, an important goal of our curriculum is to enable children to learn how to learn and to develop an appreciation of the value and practice of lifelong learning.